[XForms] Moving towards 1.1?

jason cipriani jac4 at mindless.com
Fri Aug 13 14:08:11 EDT 2004

I have a couple of questions about the next xforms release. We have been using xforms 1.0.90 here for quite some time, with the glx context sharing stuff, with no problems other than the GL problems with Fedora Core 1 (which occur with/without context sharing, and with xforms 0.89 and 1.0). I haven't even looked into the Fedora stuff since the last time we talked about it on this list but it seems to be unrelated/irrelevant.

Also I remember somebody saying that the 1.1 release has a lot of changes already and the GL stuff might not make it in.

Naturally, we'd feel more comfortable using an official xforms release rather than a hacky patched one. So:

1) How is version 1.1 coming along? Is there any estimated release date?
2) What is going to be new in 1.1 (just out of curiosity)?
3) Would it be possible to put the context sharing functionality in 1.1? It's pretty well-tested from my end (on Mac OS X 10.3.1-10.3.3 systems, and Redhat 8.0 and 9.0 systems with various nVidia cards and driver versions).

As far as the context sharing stuff goes, I will post a patch shortly that has the combined contents of both the original patches plus the fix to the #include'd file in glcanvas_spec.c.

On a different note, I asked a question awhile back about the missing publicly defined FL_NoColor, in regards to backgroundless canvases. Exporting FL_NoColor in forms.h would make people feel more comfortable about using it to turn off canvas background drawing, I think (rather than just passing 0x7FFFFFFF).


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