Re: XForms: [patch] moving tabfolder-specific code out of forms.c

From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 10:49:30 EDT

  • Next message: Peter S Galbraith: "Re: XForms: Today's commits"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <> :

    >>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <> writes:

    Angus> The attached patch moves code out of forms.c and into
    Angus> tabfolder.c. The original code is one of my first patches to
    Angus> the xforms source. It works, but is "bad" in that it exposes
    Angus> internals of the tabfolder to FL_FORM. If the user were to
    Angus> specify other widgets of his own then there is no mechanism to
    Angus> ensure that all will work correctly for these.

    It looks good. Just a small question:
    + * lib/forms.c (fl_handle_form): no longer a static function.

    Does this mean that the function is now public? Is it supposed to be
    documented or just internal? It is not defined in any .h file that I
    can find. I thought the prefix fl_ was mainly used for exported functions.

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