Re: XForms: I meant. . .

Date: Sun Sep 29 2002 - 01:03:55 EDT

  • Next message: Rob Lahaye: "Re: XForms: How to disable mouse input to (progress) slider?"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from :

    > Couldn't he set up a handler instead (with fl_set_object_posthandler)?
    > That way, he could interrupt the mouse actions and just ignore them,
    > while perhaps adding other functions (don't know what, of course :) ).
    > I thought that deactivating the object would make it so that the state
    > doesn't change at all. Oh, yeah, he could reactivate it, change the
    > bar, then deactivate it again as well, which would work if it's all
    > that he's doing. . . .

    Deactivating the object just means it doesn't respond to *input*. I
    use this method for precisely what he wants to do and it works fine.
    Adding the object prehandler (not posthandler -- it wouldn't do what
    you suggest) is certainly an option but one which strikes me as
    excessively complicated.

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