XForms: Bug report for fl_show_fselector(..)

From: Clive A Stubbings (xforms@vjet.demon.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 17:11:00 EDT

  • Next message: Leonardo Pavan Santos: "XForms: TAB navigation"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Clive A Stubbings <xforms@vjet.demon.co.uk> :

    Under some circumstances a simple call to fl_show_fselector() can show
    the wrong "current file" highlighted.


            fl_show_fselector("Save to", "", "*.abc", "c.abc");

    If the directory contains

            dir ddd
            file c.abc
            file r.abc

    The fselector shows the directory "ddd" selected. However if you rename
    the "ddd" directory to "bdd" then it all works correctly and shows
    "c.abc" selected...

    The text in the input box on the form is correct in both cases and the
    functionality is fine too..

    BTW, I can reproduce the problem in fdesign (save menu) if there is a
    directory in the working dir that is alphabetically after the file to be

    A possible explanation is that you have the directory list sorted alphabetically
    in one place and directories then files in the other?

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