Re: XForms: more on formbrowser and image form

Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 09:43:42 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Lamont: "Re: XForms: more on formbrowser and image form"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from :

    >> So I need to somehow translate the image I have stored in the flimage object
    >> into a pixmap type. Is this easily done?
    >I did it a few weeks ago. I had some problems with color quantization
    >while converting flimage type to pixmap type.
    >I'm using a trick to make it easier. I first display the image in a
    >window and then, i use XCopyArea to grab the displayed image.
    >But it doesn't work with image bigger than the window canvas. So...If
    >someone has another solution, i will take a great interest in it !
    >I made a scrolling pixmap a few month ago. I was using 2 fl_slider, a
    >big pixmap (the original Image) and a smaller one to display an area of
    >the big Pixmap using XCopyArea()...If you are instered in my dirty
    >code...mail me.

    Shouldn't it be possible to display the image directly into a pixmap by
    specifiying the
    pixmap drawable (as FL_WINDOW??) as the second argument in the flimage_display


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