XForms: Screen Size

From: Serge B Bromow (serge@omensys.com)
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 07:16:17 EST

  • Next message: Keene: "Re: XForms: fl_initialize"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Serge B Bromow <serge@omensys.com> :

    This not an Xforms question per say, but
    is relevant to xform APPs that requires the
    entire screen real-estate.

    (SCO OSR5, XFV88)

    Using the PLACE_FULLSCREEN option offsets the application by 5 pixels
    (5,0 position)
    to the right. to correct this problem I fl_set_geometry to width-1 and
    the screen moves back to the 0,0 start position. To obtain the
    max screen size I must;

    1. show_form
    2. read the fd_form->form->h, w variables
    3. fl_set_geometry to width - 1.

    This produces an annoying flutter on the screen as the
    entire screen is moved over. (Really ugly on big touch monitors)

    Is there an Xform/Xlib function that returns the width/height
    of the root window so I can fl_set_form_geometry before I
    fl_show_form. As well as change font sizes, touch co-ords, etc.

    Any help is appreciated.

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