XForms: Debug error message left in ...

Rob Fletcher (rpf1@york.ac.uk)
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 14:18:58 +0000 (GMT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Rob Fletcher <rpf1@york.ac.uk> :


I get this debugger message left in my IRIX 0.89 version ...

creating colormap -> free 68

Any chance of supressing this and re-issuing the IRIX libs? TC?

...and no, I am not running it in debug mode or -sync but here is
where is occurs using -sync!

In Canvas [canvas.c 399] FL_DRAW
creating colormap -> free 68
In CanvasWindow [canvas.c 266] Depth=8 colormap=0x2800048, WinID=0x280004a
MainLoop Event(7,w=0x280003d s=2617) EnterNotify Mode Normal
MainLoop Event(6,w=0x280003d s=2617) MotionNotify Mode Hint
MainLoop Event(8,w=0x280003d s=2617) LeaveNotify Mode Normal
MainLoop Event(12,w=0x280003d s=2639) Expose count=0 serial=a4f
In CompressExpose [events.c 534] x=15 y=65 w=640 h=480 Sum




| Dr R P Fletcher (Rob) | Email R.Fletcher@york.ac.uk |
| Graphics Coordinator | Phone +44 1904 433816 |
| Computing Service | Frontdesk +44 1904 433800 |
| University of York | Fax +44 1904 433740 |
| YORK YO10 5DD, UK | ICQ UIN 4019164 |
| URL: www-users.york.ac.uk/~rpf1/ Camera: /~rpf1/robcam.html |

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