XForms: Hiding and showing of forms.

AMIT BHATNAGAR (amit@cs.dal.ca)
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 20:31:36 -0300 (ADT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

Well Steve, your try.c program worked as it should have, but in my
program, when I hide the form and goto the next form, and then come back
to the original form.. the contents of the input boxes are in fact gone.
When the user presses the next or back button, it does some necessary
operations, and then calls startup_form() for example:

xxxform_next (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
startup_form (ob, FLIGHTINFO);

and in startup_form();

startup_form (FL_OBJECT *ob, int screen)
fl_hide_form (ob->form);
fl_show_form (fd_flightinfo->flightinfo, FL_PLACE_FREE_CENTER,
sprintf (label, "Current Time: %sZ", timestring);
fl_set_object_label (fd_flightinfo->time_box, label);

I do not free the form or anything, and still when I come back to it the
contents are gone. all of the form's FD structs are declared globally, and
are all initialized by their corresponing fl_create_form functions before
the first form is even showed.

I have xforms .88 (the glibc version) and I am running
redhat 5.1.

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