XForms: FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK not defined ?

Tristan Savatier (tristan@mpegtv.com)
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 20:12:53 -0700

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan Savatier <tristan@mpegtv.com> :

The doc says:

To register a timeout callback, the following routine can be used

typedef void (*FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK)(int, void *)
int fl_add_timeout(long msec,
FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK callback, void *data)

but the "forms.h" file that I got with my 0.88 version
does not define FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK, i.e.:

typedef void (*FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK)(int, void *);

Also the manual fails to describe the parameters of
the callback. I suppose that the first one is the
ID returned by fl_add_timeout, and the second is "data" ?

By the way, I have another question related to timeout callback:

Is it guaranteed that a particular ID value (presumably -1) is
NEVER returned by a successful fl_add_timeout ?

This would be nice to do things like:

static int my_timeout_id = -1;



if (my_timeout_id != -1) { /* means that it was set! */

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