XForms: Xforms for LynxOS 2.5

Tue, 28 Jul 1998 14:41:51 +0000

# To subscribers of the xforms list from P.vanHaren@phys.uu.nl :

Dear XForms adapts,

I'm looking for a way to use xforms on my LynxOS machines (m56K, Lynx
2.5). I started using the binary distribution (xforms 0.86 for Lynx
2.2). However... things fail. It is not possible to build the demo's.
During link-time unresolved externals occur, such as _iob and _ctype.
Moreover, running fdesign crashes the computer as soon as a file-open
command is issued from a appropriate menu!
Thus< I'm looking for some help. Preferably xforms for lynx 2.5.
Clues to overcome the resolved externals are also very welcome.

Best regards,

Paul van Haren

Instrumentele Groep Fysica
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80.004
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands

Phone: +(31)30 253 2293, fax: +(31)30 253 3267
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