XForms: Append in multilineinput

Mats Luspa (mats@snake.irf.se)
Mon, 16 Feb 98 8:55:59 UTC

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Mats Luspa <mats@snake.irf.se> :


I'm missing a function in multiline input that's making it possible to append
strings to a multiline input. Now you must store the whole string and then
use the fl_set_input every time you want to add something to the multiline
input programmaticly.


Mats Luspa
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
P.O. Box 812
S-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden
Telephone: +46 (0)980 790 22
Telefax: +46 (0)980 790 50
E-mail: mats@irf.se
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