Re: XForms: Images and normal counter

Steve Lamont (
Fri, 17 Oct 97 09:57:46 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> 1- How can I view the image in the free_object using the xforms internal
> color map?

I posted on this fairly extensively in the last day or so. I will
email the poster directly on this.

> 2- How can I change the image (visualized in the free_object) with a new
> one,
> modifying the normal counter value (min 1 - max 113)?
> Therefore, how can I re-draw the free_object (inside the callback
> function bounded to
> the normal counter) with a new image bounded to the actual value of the
> normal counter?

Call fl_redraw_object(). The object can query the value of the
counter in the standard manner.

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