XForms: xforms ..

Nathan Johnston (n.johnston@mitswa.com.au)
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:17:11 +0800

To subscribers of the xforms list from Nathan Johnston <n.johnston@mitswa.com.au> :

I am just starting to use xforms and it is a great, quick way to build
GUI's. I have one question tho:

My GUIs use the fl_show_message and fl_show_alert functions to pop up alert
and message windows, altho they appear with grey backgrounds, whereas for
consistancy with the rest of the GUI I would like them blue. Is there any
way I can change the background colour and maybe font of these boxes short
of re-designing my own alert and message form??

Thanks! Nathan Johnston.

MITS WA (Managed Information Technology Solutions)
Ph: (+61 8) 9481 4066 or 017 850 447
Email: n.johnston@mitswa.com.au or nathan@acid.iinet.net.au
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