XForms: Problem with MULTI_BROWSER

D.Nguyen (dnguyen@brick.saic.com)
Fri, 06 Jun 1997 15:08:34 -0400

To subscribers of the xforms list from "D.Nguyen" <dnguyen@brick.saic.com> :


I want to create a multi_browser so that the users can select
multiple lines. The FL_MULTI_BROWSER will do but the lines remain
visible till de-selected (and it returns negative line number as a last
selection when de-select).
I'm looking for something like the user have to hold down the Ctrl
Key (like other application) to do multiple selection or else he/she can
select the line (without holding down Ctrl Key) and it will automatic
deselect all other line(s) to start over again. What I mean is the
combination of FL_HOLD_BROWSER and FL_MULTI_BROWSER. I wonder if xforms
have anything like that or the next version will have it.
BTW, I'm using version 0.86

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