Tiling background pixmaps.

Joe Saland (jrs@aleph.insurgent.com)
Fri, 14 Mar 1997 02:17:47 -0500 (EST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Joe Saland <jrs@aleph.insurgent.com> :

Is there an easy way to setup background pixmaps for your application.
For instance, I want this gui I am working on (my mesa/mud client) to have
a snazy, marbelized look using xpm's (for those of you with XawXpm you
know what I am talking about). I figured I could just drop in some
pixmaps in the proper area of the application, for instance a really large
one over the main window, and lower it so that it is at the bottom, and
then set it to a small xpm pixmap. The problem I run into is to make
xforms tile the image througout the pixmap area. Is there a simple way to
do this? I am using seamlesly tileable xpm's, i just need to know how to
make it happen :)

Joe Saland
Admin of Insurgent Networks


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