Tristan (tristan@creative.net)
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 02:04:48 -0800

To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan <tristan@creative.net> :

I believe I found a bug related to FL_INOUT_BUTTON buttons:

The doc says that the call-back is called when the button
is depressed and when it is released.

However, if I move the pointer ouside of the FL_INOUT_BUTTON
button while keeping the mouse button down, and then release
the mouse button, my call-back only gets called one (when
my FL_INOUT_BUTTON got depressed) but not when it got

Apperently my FL_INOUT_BUTTON button gets released
(graphically) when I move the pointer out of it,
even while keeping the mouse button pressed.
But my callback is not called in this case.

Using 0.81, Linux and Solaris.

I suppose that I can use a post-handler to detect this
case and work around it...

Regards, -- Tristan Savatier (mailto:tristan@mpegtv.com)

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