Re: Text editing...

Gennady Sorokopud (
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 17:27:55 +0200 (IST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Gennady Sorokopud <> :

On 06-Mar-97 Antoine Fortier wrote:
>Thanks for the hint! I tried your editor and it works fine! I compiled your
>code in a library
>and add it to my Makefile.
>The only problem I had is that the function 'fl_edit_error' was not defined in
>the .c files
>of the editor code, I found it in xfmail.c. I made the same definition in the
>file fl_edit.c
>and its now working. I think it can be a good idea to fix the problem and to
>distribute the xform
>editor as an add-on library.
You might want to check the new version of the widget in xfmail-1.1-alpha
(, it has many bugs
fixed. The widget itself can be considered only a -beta version, it's not ready
yet for "general" use as a widget, i just made it work more or less good with
xfmail. However i'm working on the remaining issues/bug fixes , and really soon
i'm planning to release it separately and upload to the xforms' contrib area.

As for the error function, i just don't know the name of generic error handling
function in xforms (TC?). Anyway, this problem can be easily solved.

>Thanks again.
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Best regards.
Gennady B. Sorokopud - System programmer at NetVision Israel.
E-Mail: Gennady Sorokopud <>
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