On which systems are 0.84 running as of today?

Greger Cronquist (f95grcr@dd.chalmers.se)
Tue, 4 Mar 1997 19:51:17 +0100 (MET)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Greger Cronquist <f95grcr@dd.chalmers.se> :


I'm about to write some multi-platform programs and have found xforms 0.84
having all I need and that it works well on my Sun Solaris system. Does
0.84 work without major problems on all the systems for which there are
binaries at ftp://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/pub/xforms/test/? I will probably
be running on Sun, SGI and Linux-stations.

Oh, another question -- do I have to go through much trouble if I want to
use Open-GL in conjunction with xforms or does everything work as
seamlessly as the manual indicates? (I haven't acquired Open-GL yet, so I
haven't been able to test.) Are there any particular problems using 24
bit graphics?

Thanks in advance,


Greger Cronquist
f95grcr@dd.chalmers.se, http://www.dd.chalmers.se/~f95grcr
Tel: +46-31-711 35 14
Erik Dahlbergsgatan 24 A, 411 26 Goteborg, SWEDEN

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