Re: XForms positioner

Jeroen Bleyenbergh (
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 17:34:51 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Jeroen Bleyenbergh) :

Today I wrote:

>> Hi there,
>> I'm currently working with xforms V0.81. I found what appears to be
>> a bug:

John Prinos answered:

>XForms is up to version 0.84 now. There have been some significant changes
>since 0.81.
>J0hn Prinos

Dear John,

I'm trying to figure out wheter I should upgrade from V0.81 to V0.84. Until
now I was completely satisfied with V0.81. Since I couldn't find anything
related to the clipping bug in the archives, I was wondering if this problem is
known and if so, if it is fixed in V0.84.
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