Re: xforms + Mesa

Steve Lamont (
Fri, 29 Nov 96 10:09:06 PST

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> Despite studying the docs I didn't find a way to integrate Mesa
> into Xforms - I can't make the gl demos.
> I'd really appreciate help with this.

What problems are you having? Specific questions will result in
specific answers.

> Second: What I'd really need is a 3d widget (object) just like the
> XY-Plot but in 3d: Display a cloud of points which can be manipulated
> interactively with the mouse. Are there any suggestions how to
> possibly do this within an xforms-based app?

I'd suggest using some external package designed to do 3D point
display and/or manipulation. I generally just open a pipe to
something like plotmtv or gnuplot and feed the application
instructions and data in the standard manner. Some other posters also
mentioned some other 3D applications that might be useful.

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